Journey to the blue
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#video #Creatividad #RedesSociales #Producción #Testimoniales


MSC is an international organisation that promotes sustainable fishing and certifies seafood products obtained in a respectful way with a certificate known as the blue seal.


For the campaign launched in 2022, we wanted to focus on that moment that makes us move from theory to action in terms of sustainability, that makes us take the plunge and start taking care of resources. A moment that has no name, and which we decided to call ‘Azulinar’. To exemplify it, a true story: that of the Cantabrian anchovy guild, told by its protagonists in this short film.

campaña pesca sostenible azulinar con msc

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Aportar por el Futuro Azulinar tomar conciencia Azulinar cuidar los recursos

Production: Implicate

Director: Elena Molina

Photography Direction: Juan Meseguer