Marcela la inventora de palabras
Save the Children
Branded Content
#video #Creatividad #RedesSociales #Producción #Testimoniales


Marcela, the inventor of words, is an animated children’s story created to highlight the problem of violence against children with disabilities. The story is aimed at the families of children with disabilities, but also at the children themselves, so that they can learn to identify when they are victims of violence.


A branded content project for CERMI and Save The Children.


  • Título: Marcela, la inventora de palabras
  • Año: 2019
  • País: España
  • Autoras: Pandora Mirabilia y Camila Monasterio
  • Ilustración: Mariela Bontempi
  • Producción audiovisual: Implícate
  • Animación: Marta Mancunsi
  • Música y sonido: Camila Monasterio
  • Locución: Alma Prada, Vera Castellanos, Gorka Aroca, Ramón Monasterio, Soraya González y Camila Monasterio



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