MicroDocus Crece Cruz Roja

Micro documental para la campaña de Cruz Roja del proyecto CRECE en Jaen

The Red Cross is calling for a medium- to long-term strategy against unwanted loneliness. Its aim is to prevent the institutionalisation of people in this situation by encouraging and promoting community-based care.

Viaje al azul

Campaña MSC Azulinar

For the campaign launched in 2022, we wanted to focus on that moment that makes us move from theory to action in terms of sustainability, that makes us take the plunge and start taking care of resources. A moment that has no name, and which we decided to call ‘Azulinar’. To exemplify it, a true story: that of the Cantabrian anchovy guild, told by its protagonists in this short film.


Mula, cortometraje documental de animación drogas

Faced with desperate situations, many people see drug trafficking as a possible solution to their problems. The Spanish Advocacy Foundation wants to launch a campaign to warn of the dramatic consequences that people who risk trafficking drugs as ‘mules’ may face. Sermula.com

Ingreso Mínimo Vital

Portada_ EAPN Ingreso Mínimo Vital

A short film, directed by Elena Molina, in which we got to know closely the story of a mother in a vulnerable situation whose life could be changed by MVI.A short film, directed by Elena Molina, in which we got to know closely the story of a mother in a vulnerable situation whose life could be changed by MVI:

Mujeres con proyecto – PH

Mujeres con un proyecto - Cartel publicitario

The campaign is presented as a beautiful dance video that seeks to reflect, through poetic and metaphorical language.


“Would you throw away the dishes every time you use them?” This is the premise that gives rise to one of the most surreal dinners you can imagine. A striking way of making visible the absurdity of some habits that we have assumed in relation to single-use plastics.


Under the slogan #CorresponsablesParaGanarMás, Implícate developed a communication strategy for different media and platforms that included a campaign video, pieces for social networks, and a radio spot reflecting on the need to transform inequalities into opportunities.