Tu yo del futuro

The Fundación Secretariado Gitano wanted to carry out a recruitment campaign to increase the number of young participants in its Acceder programme, which promotes employment among the Roma population.
Viaje al azul

For the campaign launched in 2022, we wanted to focus on that moment that makes us move from theory to action in terms of sustainability, that makes us take the plunge and start taking care of resources. A moment that has no name, and which we decided to call ‘Azulinar’. To exemplify it, a true story: that of the Cantabrian anchovy guild, told by its protagonists in this short film.
Ingreso Mínimo Vital

The Minimum Living Income can be a powerful tool for social protection in our country
El Reto del Mañana

We shot a short documentary film for the Secretariado Gitano Foundation to celebrate 20 years of its Acceder program on the access of the Roma population to employment
MicroDocus Crece Cruz Roja

The Red Cross is calling for a medium- to long-term strategy against unwanted loneliness. Its aim is to prevent the institutionalisation of people in this situation by encouraging and promoting community-based care.
Marcela la inventora de palabras

Marcela, the inventor of words, animated children’s story. Funded by Save the Children
Videoclip con Nacho Vegas

The singer Nacho Vegas composes his song No me voy a Marte, which serves to commemorate 20 years of the fight carried out by Ecologistas en Acción.