Mula, cortometraje documental de animación drogas

Faced with desperate situations, many people see drug trafficking as a possible solution to their problems. The Spanish Advocacy Foundation wants to launch a campaign to warn of the dramatic consequences that people who risk trafficking drugs as ‘mules’ may face.

Tu yo del futuro

Portada de campaña para la ong Fundación Secretariado Gitano

The Fundación Secretariado Gitano wanted to carry out a recruitment campaign to increase the number of young participants in its Acceder programme, which promotes employment among the Roma population.

Ingreso Mínimo Vital

Portada_ EAPN Ingreso Mínimo Vital

The Minimum Living Income can be a powerful tool for social protection in our country

MicroDocus Crece Cruz Roja

Micro documental para la campaña de Cruz Roja del proyecto CRECE en Jaen

The Red Cross is calling for a medium- to long-term strategy against unwanted loneliness. Its aim is to prevent the institutionalisation of people in this situation by encouraging and promoting community-based care.